Our sweet friends Chad and Amanda watched her for a few hours Saturday so we could go up and tailgate with friends for the SEC Championship. Sadly, as I'm sure you know, our Gators did not pull it off this year and the media is having a field day with shots of our beloved Tebow crying after the game. I'd like to tell those people, that if they did just one quarter of the public service Tebow does in his spare time, perhaps they'd feel differently and be a bit less judgmental. But, alas, I don't have a blog on ESPN to vent these feelings.
Yesterday Matt went all National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and decked the house out in lights. It looks awesome. We also finally finished putting up our tree and I sold my first item on Craig's List! Now I'm a selling frenzy. Gotta make money so we can move into a new house!!
Not much on the docket for this week, hopefully getting caught up on house work, finishing Christmas shopping/shipping, beginning to work on our Christmas menu, etc...
Hope everyone has a great week. I'll post some picture of our Christmas decor (and Santa's favorite little elf) later this week:)
Saturday night we had a girl's night up at Jenny's house which was much needed and so overdue. It was so great to sit around with the girls and chit chat, I never underestimate the power of a good girl's night for your mental well being. The wine and pizza helped too :)
This morning we made our fourth (yes, fourth) visit to the doctor's in the past month to find out that her little right ear is infected again. She better have a seriously strong immune system when she gets older with all the germs she's been exposed to lately. Today we'll start 10 days of a stronger antibiotic to hopefully knock out the ear infection and the rest of the bronchitis. The good news is, she's such a good sport when she's sick and she still tries to be her usual happy self. She must get that from her mommy ;)
Hope you are all having a great week and beautiful fall weather like we've been blessed with here!!
While she's "only" aged 6 months I sometimes feel like I've aged 6 years in the process, but I have loved every single second. Matt and I have made a conscious effort not to say "I can't wait until she does this or that" because we want to enjoy each individual phase and we know how quickly they will pass, and I think that's really helped us to appreciate every little moment :)
The cookbook I'm referring to is the one pictured below. It is full of very good, simple recipes with few ingredients and quick cook time. Totally do-able even when you're busy.
Hope you all have a great week!
Matt's brother Luke. There is a lot of mutual adoration between he and Madelyn :)
Look at the chub on those legs! I love it.
This weekend we're attending Kristin's husband Matt's 30th birthday bonanza at their new house and then spending some time with Matt's parents. Next week my mom and aunt Sue are coming into town for Labor Day so I have lots of cleaning to do in preparation for their arrival. I'm so excited for them to see Madelyn and her sweet personality. Here are a few new facts about our little pride and joy.
- She likes to be spoken to in adult voices, not baby talk, and she loooves to watch me talk to people when she doesn't think I'm looking. I think it's because she hears my voice the way she heard it in the womb and she's totally captivated. I just can't help but raise my voice a little when I talk to her! It's like a cuteness reflex.
- She wants to stand and "walk" picking up one foot after the other.
- She has started laughing and it is OhMYGoodness precious.
I'm trying to decide what I want to dress her up as for Halloween. The obvious choice would be a monkey since that's what I call her, but I don't want her to look like a little boy! check this one out:
And this is just too much- it's a peacock! She'd kill me when she found these pictures later in life. Seriously. I die. (sidenote: I've picked up saying "I die" from watching the Rachael Zoe Project on Bravo. Those of you who watch know what I'm talking about. If you aren't watching, you should.)
She also had her 4 month check up this morning where we found out that she is tall, skinny, and has a tiny head. This is the child I birthed by c-section because of her "95% size head" (direct quote from my doctor) and now has a head size in the 10 percentile. The irony is astounding. Here are a few more pictures of our rapidly growing child from over the weekend:)