Saturday, April 30, 2011

A very belated birthday post

This post is so overdue, but in my defense I've been sick for 10 days with an unrelenting sinus infection and sadly the only things I've had the energy for are sleeping, taking care of Madelyn, and eating (duh, I am pregnant).

That being said, I woke up today feeling much better, so here is my quick and dirty recap of my sweet girl's second birthday party.

  • We were super lucky to have most of mine and Matt's family present and Madelyn loved every minute of it. She was definitely not hurting for attention.

  • We inflated a small bouncy house that was obviously a huge hit with the kids. I'm pretty sure Madelyn would have slept in it if I had let her.

  • I ate copious amounts of gluten and loved every single bite.

  • Madelyn was absolutely showered with gifts- our friends and family are truly so generous and thoughtful. Here is a small sampling. There was a lot of pink that room.

  • We spent most of the party outside in our newly sodded (is that a verb?) back yard. It was the perfect day to spent outside.

  • Instead of using both hands to shovel cake into her mouth, this year she neatly ate every piece with her fork. I was so proud.

  • We used the inner layer of frosting on the cake to announce that....drumroll please....WE ARE HAVING A BOY!! More details on that later ;)

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I love the gender revealing cake idea :)

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