First, Santa blessed Madelyn with a double ear infection just days before Christmas and she was pretty miserable to say the least. If you're keeping track like I am, this is now her third ear infection. Yuck. She is now recovered and feeling wonderfully. In addition, she sprouted a few new teeth and now has all 4 in the front on top, and two on the front bottom. This has lead to the subtle introduction to table food...more on that later.
My Mom and Dad came into town for the holiday which was such a treat. We had a great time and it was such a blessing to have both of them here for Christmas. Matt's parents came down and joined us for part of Christmas Eve as well so we all got to be together which is a rare experience. Madelyn actually loved ripping into presents which I couldn't believe. I didn't think she'd have much interest but boy was I wrong. We spent a lot of time eating and relaxing. It was a perfect holiday.
Now that all of our fun guests are gone, we're just enjoying the week together before I have to go back to work on Monday. As I said earlier, I'm beginning to introduce Madelyn to table food and woah is it scary. I sit there and watch her chew every single bite, scared to death that she could choke. The level of my own paranoia and neuroses is really starting to become clear to me and I'm confident I'm the most neurotic mother ever! Lucky Madelyn :)
Here are a few pictures of our Christmas adventures, in no particular order and without captions. I think my blog hiatus has made me lazy. 

Haha, you are neurotic. I was almost surprised you didn't reach across the table and slap me when I gave Madelyn the piece of the grape today. :) But, I love you anyway. Plus, she's probably the most well adjusted baby in the history of the world, so you're keeping your paranoia mostly to yourself. ;) But, you know what... you love that child and she is extremely well cared for and that paranoia comes from extremely good intentions. xoxo
Great pics Jen, wish I could have seen you all for even a day. I hope you all have a chance to make it to Charleston you all, Aunt Sue
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