Last weekend my mom came into town for some quality time with her babies- me and Madelyn :)
I love when my mom comes to town. She is the easiest house guest ever. We just sit around and play with Madelyn, eat at our favorite restaurants, stare at Madelyn, drink wine and have long talks, shop, talk about Madelyn. You get the point.
We did go visit the Southern Living 2010 idea house in nearby Senoia which was O-M-G Gorgeous. They used all of my favorite colors like it was meant for me. I don't know how they knew, but they got it spot on. At just a mere (unfurnished) asking price of $1.2million I think it will have to wait for now, but a girl can dream can't she?
We also took Madelyn to her 15 month doctor appointment where she had to get THREE shots. She didn't take it well, and neither did I. In fact the sound of her screams are still haunting me. It was bad. We did find out that she's now average height and weight- not super tall like before. Apparently all of the other kids caught up :)
We taught her lots of new things while GiGi was here: where her belly is, how to say and point at her toes, how to say car, thank you, and some other words that due to my recent sleep deprivation I can't remember. She also started to (I think) sprout a molar and has been up a few times the past few nights which is extremely unusual, accompanied by a 101 fever. At least I'm hoping it's just a tooth...
This week Matt heads back to training in Connecticut, but is flying back for the weekend because his brother (and my sweet brother in law) is getting married!! If anyone has advice on how to control a 1 year old in a quiet dignified chapel wedding please let me know. All suggestions greatly appreciated.
In other news, Jenny had her baby girl Charlotte this evening! I'm planning to go see them tomorrow and am just bursting with excitement! Another sweet baby for our "family" and future BFF for Madelyn . What could be better? !

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