Yesterday we spent the afternoon at a local farm to celebrate fall and of course, pick up some pumpkins. Except we didn't end up getting pumpkins because we were so tired by the end of the day that we decided having the pumpkin patch experience was enough and we could just pick some up at Lowe's. So lame. But we really were so tired.
Our friends Chad and Amanda met us there and they have a little girl named Emma who will be 3 in January. It is hysterical to watch her and Madelyn play together and talk to each other. Especially since Emma talks like a five year old and Madelyn talks in complete jibberish. Somehow they look at each other like they both know what the other is saying.
Here's a little recap of our afternoon.
Arrive at the farm and immediately hop in line for the tractor-pulled cow train. This was an obvious choice.

Stop to let Emma pose on the child-sized tractor:
Admire large tree:
Continue on to the corn house where we proceed to let the children walk around shoe-less in a foot of corn and repeatedly say "Madelyn don't eat the corn, just touch it.....touch Madelyn! Not eat!"
Pause again for an attempt at family photos:
(aren't they cute? :)
(pause here to wish blogger would add a photo editing tool titled "add tan")
Begin making our way through the corn maze in the shape of Bobby Cox's face. Pretty impressive, even by redneck standards ;)

Good friends, good times, and not a single tantrum from either toddler :) It was a happy day. 

1 comment:
Love that last picture of the three of you... definitely Christmas card worthy.
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