We are super blessed that Matt has a job he absolutely loves. It's demanding, a bit intense at times, and sometimes requires long hours, but he feels fulfilled and driven and for that I am extremely grateful. As much as we appreciate this job, I do not appreciate that it is making him spend EIGHT weeks this summer in Connecticut for training. Four separate two-week trips, leaving me a single parent for a total of eight weeks. Don't kid yourself, it's a long time. Actually, if you could start including me and Madelyn in your nightly prayers it would be much appreciated.
I plan to channel the single mom's I know and enjoy all of the alone time with Madelyn, and try to be as organized as possible so I don't have to make 19 grocery/Target runs a week like I feel like I currently do (and I'm an organized person!!). Oh, and I also plan to accomplish this tiny list of to-do's. No big deal.
1. Print and organize all of the pictures from Madelyn's first year of life. I didn't get a baby book for Madelyn so I guess this blog is my best source of documentation for all of her "firsts", but I would like to get one nice album together of the best pictures of her and then delete those that aren't that great. Lord knows I love the girl but even I don't need all the pictures I have stored on my computer and I think there is real value in just keeping those that are really good.
2. Finish our kitchen re-do. We did most of the major kitchen stuff earlier as you've seen in previous posts, now I'm just working on new detailed touches. We painted the walls a nice tan color (no more green!) and I'm working with my friend Amanda who has a sewing machine to make a roman shade for the back door out of this fabric, then adding the blue rug. (I have no idea why the black background is showing up in these pictures, sorry about that)

3. Since adding the bed to our master bedroom and moving the big armoire down to Matt's office, we now have a nice empty corner which I plan to use for my reading nook (I realize "reading nook" sounds a little silly but if you say it with a British accent it sounds much more distinguished). My mom gave us a great chair and a half a few years back and we're going to have it recovered. These are some of the fabrics I'm considering for the main chair and also a nice lumbar accent pillow.

3. Next, on to my summer reading list. Just like in school, except instead of reading Huck Funn and Moby Dick I plan to engorge myself in mindless chick lit novels, and possibly a few intellectual reads here and there- but only if they're quick and easy.
4. Make a once-a-week trip to the local farm to pick up fresh fruits and veggies with Madelyn. Yum.
5. Plant a vegetable garden (Sidebar- Is it just me or is this list getting long??) I at least want tomatoes, cucumbers, and some herbs. Since the last time I tried to "raise" flowers they lasted all of two weeks this should be interesting.
6. Plan a fall weekend for all of our friends at a cabin in the mountains to celebrate Matt's 30th birthday.
Oh and did I mention that I also signed up for a sewing class, would like our family to train for a 5K together early in the fall, and want to start teaching Madelyn Spanish? Kidding on the last one, although I wonder how "uh oh" translates....
You should check out Shutterfly for an album. Super easy. They can get a little pricey depending on how many pages you have but they turn out great. I do one every year.
You have me inspired to create a list of my own so thanks for that. That will be the first an only item on my list...1) Make a Summer To Do List. There...it's a start. Wanted to tell you that I totally feel you for item #1. I too did not do a Baby Book and used my blog as a digital baby book of sorts. I looked into all sorts of options, from the traditional photo books to actually converting my blog to a book but I found the later much too grueling because much editing would be involved. I did ultimately decide to go with a photobook from shutterfly and I'll send you the link (share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AZN2bRw5bM2Sh) if you'd like to see it. It was quite pricey at the end of the day because I had like 100 pages but it turned out BEAUTIFUL!!! I plan to do one for every year. Actually organizing photos and creating photo books has becomed one of my favorite hobbies. I tried the whole scrapbooking thing but it wasn't for me...I'm a digital girl.
5) About your garden. Good luck! If I wasn't so terrified of snakes, I'd be more into landscaping but everytime I'm doing anything in the yard, a slittery creature comes into sight and I regress to a 4 year old who has nightmares for weeks. I'm such a wimp.
Thanks girls for the great Shutterfly idea! I hadn't even thought of that, and given that all of my pictures are already on my computer that would save me the step of printing them out.
Jen- we're lucky we don't have many snakes here in GA (at least not that I know of) otherwise you wouldn't catch me anywhere near that dirt!!
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