Friday, May 28, 2010
Things I Love this week
2. The CSA we just joined!! I have been wanting to do this For-Ever and am ridiculously excited. It's called Gaia's Greens and I'll be receiving my first box of mixed fruits and veggies this coming Thursday. They let you pick which box you'd like a week before the delivery (what size, fruits, veggies, mixed, etc) and tell you everything that is in each box so you can plan your menu accordingly. It's 100% organic and totally comparable to grocery store prices, PLUS it gets delivered to your front door! On Thursday we'll be receiving 4 golden delicious apples, 2 bananas (correction: 2 Pounds bananas), 4 Packham pears, 2 oranges, 3 yellow peaches, 1 pound of red onions, 4 cobs of corn, 1 head of cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 of slicer tomatoes, 1 head of lettuce, and 1 pound of red thumb fingerling potatoes. I'm planning some corn and black bean salad, Katie Lee's Hoppin John, chicken with peach salsa, Deen family sausage and potato salad, and the rest is TBD. I would use more exclamation points to show how excited I am but I don't want to be obnoxious.
3. The lake. We're heading to our friend's parent's lake house tomorrow for the day and I cannot wait to get on the boat. Slowly of course, since it will be Madelyn's first time aboard and I will no doubt have 11 panic attacks about us going to fast and there being too many other boats on the water.
4. Kristin. Since she jacked up her leg mountain biking and we're best friends, she was kind enough to take my number 3 in the string of unlucky things to happen in the past 7 days. That's what best friends are for :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Let me preface this by saying these really are not bad things, just inconvenient and expensive- two things I strongly dislike. Everyone is healthy and therefore these are just little, minor, pains in my generous rear end.
First my car went into the shop last week. Turns out I needed new brakes AND some oxygen sensor was out. I drive a 2000 Lexus SUV (which I got for a STEAL in 2004) that I absolutely love but I swear this part would have cost $50 on a Kia. On my car, $300. Ouch.
Then over the weekend I began noticing a squeaking, scratching sound in the upper right corner of our master bathroom vanity, where the ceiling meets the wall. Whatever it was decided to squeak the entire time I laid in bed that night, and hasn't really stopped since. We have an "animal removal service" coming out today to see what's going on. We can't tell if it's a squirrel, bird, mouse (pleeease not a rat) given that there are no real patterns to it's sounds, so it should be interesting. Inspection fee: $150. Trapping fee: $350.
I wish I was braver and I'd get up there and trap the darn thing for myself for $350!!! I just hope it's not a baby and they don't have to kill it. Other than that, I look forward to hopefully some quiet, sleepful nights in our future.
And so we wait to see when and where blessed number three will choose to rear his ugly head...
Monday, May 24, 2010
Website Rave

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My black thumb

Madelyn: 13 months
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Summer Projects

3. Next, on to my summer reading list. Just like in school, except instead of reading Huck Funn and Moby Dick I plan to engorge myself in mindless chick lit novels, and possibly a few intellectual reads here and there- but only if they're quick and easy.
4. Make a once-a-week trip to the local farm to pick up fresh fruits and veggies with Madelyn. Yum.
5. Plant a vegetable garden (Sidebar- Is it just me or is this list getting long??) I at least want tomatoes, cucumbers, and some herbs. Since the last time I tried to "raise" flowers they lasted all of two weeks this should be interesting.
6. Plan a fall weekend for all of our friends at a cabin in the mountains to celebrate Matt's 30th birthday.
Oh and did I mention that I also signed up for a sewing class, would like our family to train for a 5K together early in the fall, and want to start teaching Madelyn Spanish? Kidding on the last one, although I wonder how "uh oh" translates....Monday, May 10, 2010
I'm a Mama....
Friday, May 7, 2010
First of all, please tell this does not apply to Target (as I wipe the cold sweat from my brow).
Second, what the heck?! What is so bad about returning things?
Apparently if they ask you for your driver's license when you're returning something the store is tracking what you are spending vs. returning there, and how often you're making returns. If they don't feel you're making legitimate returns, or that they are just excessive, you could be blackballed.I cannot count the number of times I've just bought things without trying them on knowing I could just return them, or gotten something home only to realize there was something wrong with it and returned it. Why does a store care how many returns I make? I'm ultimately still there in the store spending money.
Shoppers beware. This is not cool.
Your Mama

Whether you're a mom to babies, doggies, your husband (hah), or a pretty potted plant....enjoy your Sunday :)
For those of you who are a mom, have a mom, want to be a mom, has seen bad reality TV and know how Not to be a mom, know a mom, or have lost a mom, take some time to thank and appreciate those ladies who have helped you along the way.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Back to Reality
First you have to travel through terrential downpour and massive flooding in Nashville to get home.
Then you bring a nice cold with you that is threatning to take you down any minute. You wake up Monday morning to a fussy little one that soon generates a 103.5 fever, prompting a doctor's visit and severe ear infection diagnosis. At some point this same morning you throw out your lower back (how old am I?) which is less than convenient for a sick 20 pound baby that just wants her mommy to hold her.
Then you wake up Tuesday and start all over :)
Madelyn seems to already be feeling better this morning and has officially moved into the toddler room at school where there are lots of fun new toys and she'll start learning to use silverware. I hope they have a nice wet dry vac to clean up that mess.
My back, on the other hand, is getting worse. Not sure what to do about it since I've never had this problem before, so I'm just waiting it out, and waddling around the office probably starting rumors left and right that I'm pregnant (you heard it here people, the rumor is NOT true).
The good news is that we had an amazing weekend in Kentucky but as always we are thrilled to be back home with the little monkey. Rather than post all the same pictures, I'll just send you over to Kristin's blog fo as she was our photographer for the weekend- just click here :)
Hope everyone has a wonderful (and healthy!) week!