Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Won't you be my neighbor?
Honestly people, were you raised in a barn, or at Daytona International Speedway? Geez.
Monday, March 29, 2010
The best laid plans
I guess you should be careful what you ask for. Or be more specific.
Given the unexpected cost of replacing the 18 year old unit, we have decided it would be more financially responsible for us to stay in the house a few more years. We can pay off our one car that we make payments on (luckily we own mine free and clear), and save lots of money for our next place. I can't say it's what I want to do, but we feel like it's for the best, and are trying to trust that there is a reason we feel that way that hasn't yet been revealed to us.
Since lately I've completely lost the ability to just sit and relax, and I'm clearly not happy unless I have a project to do, I got to work.
Step 1- de clutter Madelyn's room.


Step 2- install new kitchen dining set


Step 3- Install baby gate to prevent Madelyn from making the stairs her new favorite hang out, which lately has been the case:
My selling rampage is also progressing nicely. I made $40 at the women's consignment last week, $45 at the children's consignment, and am pending another Craig's List sale I'm pretty excited about. It's a good thing too because I have a lot of items on my "wish list" to purchase and I'd like to stick to the budget I've created :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Love the one you're with

Enter Bryn, a super-talented (and not formally trained) interior designer in Charlotte who's blog I've been a long-time fan of. She put together this great office space and inspiration board which I just loved. So, I made my own! It took me 10 minutes and approximately $4. Cheap and quick, love it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Surprise attack

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A few more pics from the weekend

The girls at the rehearsal dinner. It was a seafood buffet and I was seriously in heaven. Kristin and I gave an impromptu speech about Dai which luckily was not a total trainwreck!
Later that evening we returned to our rented townhouse at the beach to find that the lower door lock was not functioning. Enter this vibrant van which belonged to Last Key Locksmith. He saved the day. Would have been more enjoyable if this had not all taken place at 2 a.m.
Me and the Beautiful bride right before she put her dress on.
Pretty girl
And last but certainly not least...the piece de resistance. Me, the girls, and the old ball coach.
Gator fans understand.
Big Girl
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Technical difficulties
We've had a busy last week as Matt's been working tons of overtime and Madelyn is becoming increasingly mobile which is wearing her mommy out! Luckily, it is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS outside and we have been able to get out and take some long walks, open the windows, enjoy the fresh air. Love it.
Tomorrow we are heading down to Florida for Dai and Andrew's wedding- aren't they the cutest? They're going to have the most gorgeous little bambinos one day. I, for one, am hoping "one day" comes sooner than later, but as much as I want to I am trying not to be the pushy overbearing friend and instead subtly overload them with Madelyn cuteness every chance I get. I think I may be wearing them down ;)

My mom is going to keep Madelyn so we can party it up at the wedding (which is at the beach no less!). I cannot wait to see all my favorite girls from college. And to wear sundresses. My skin is so pale they're going to think I've been living in an igloo for the past year.
I'll be back next week with tons of pictures and I'm sure lots of funny stories of Madelyn running my poor mother ragged. I hope you're ready, mom!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
"New Years" Resolutions