Our sweet friends Chad and Amanda watched her for a few hours Saturday so we could go up and tailgate with friends for the SEC Championship. Sadly, as I'm sure you know, our Gators did not pull it off this year and the media is having a field day with shots of our beloved Tebow crying after the game. I'd like to tell those people, that if they did just one quarter of the public service Tebow does in his spare time, perhaps they'd feel differently and be a bit less judgmental. But, alas, I don't have a blog on ESPN to vent these feelings.
Yesterday Matt went all National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and decked the house out in lights. It looks awesome. We also finally finished putting up our tree and I sold my first item on Craig's List! Now I'm a selling frenzy. Gotta make money so we can move into a new house!!
Not much on the docket for this week, hopefully getting caught up on house work, finishing Christmas shopping/shipping, beginning to work on our Christmas menu, etc...
Hope everyone has a great week. I'll post some picture of our Christmas decor (and Santa's favorite little elf) later this week:)