Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Madelyn: 6 Months

Madelyn turned 6 months old last Thursday and she is just getting cuter and sweeter by the day. Here are a few little insights into our life these days :)
  • Madelyn is eating all sorts of baby foods. So far we've tried sweet potatoes, squash, apples, pears, peas, and bananas. She eats fruit and oatmeal mid-morning after her first bottle and then a veggie at night before her last bottle. She is definitely developing a love of food just like her mama ;)
  • She is teething like crazy, bless her heart (I love saying that. It's so Paula :) Her gums are all swolen and she is instantly knawing on anything she can get her little hands on, but no teeth have come through yet. We're hoping a few pop through at one time so she can get some relief!
  • She is still sleeping 11 hours a night, and usually takes 3 45-minute naps a day. Technically she should be napping longer than this (or so my BabyWise books says, and let's be honest, I treat that thing like my second Bible), but as long as she's happy I'm not worrying about it.
  • She talks all the time, usually at night when she gets sleepy is when she really pipes up. Yesterday she said "cake". I know she hasn't the slightest clue what that means, but she made the sound.
  • She loves toys that make sound or talk to her.
  • She rolls around constantly, and can sit for a little bit on her own before she goes for her feet (to knaw on of course) and falls forward. Everytime she face plants I make sure to laugh and say "yaaay!!" so she's not scared of falling. She's not crawling, but she does get up on her hands and then push up onto her head like a head stand. Not sure what she thinks she's doing, but it's cute to watch.
  • Last night she sat in my lap while Matt and I watched our DVR'd "Brothers and Sisters" (which was freakin hysterical) and just cuddled. It was precious. I try not to have the TV on too much because I don't want her to be one of those kids that is constantly watching it, but most of the time it's on she's just playing with her hands and feet and not really paying attention.

While she's "only" aged 6 months I sometimes feel like I've aged 6 years in the process, but I have loved every single second. Matt and I have made a conscious effort not to say "I can't wait until she does this or that" because we want to enjoy each individual phase and we know how quickly they will pass, and I think that's really helped us to appreciate every little moment :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Need Some Inspiration!

I traditionally like to get my Christmas shopping done early, not only so that I'm not running around like a maniac at the last minute, but because I LOOOOVE Christmas shopping. I love the garland, the Salvation Army bell ringers, the rude crowds and mass hysteria, all of it. I do think it's a bit obnoxious that all of the stores are decorated immediately after Halloween, but I don't mind one bit. The problem this year is a- finding time, and b- for some reason, I can't think of what to get everyone! Seriously, if you have any cute ideas for Christmas gifts please send them my way. Especially if you have good online stores/resources because my time constraints will no doubt lead to lots of online shopping this year.

On another note, tonight begins another busy weekend for us. First, I plan to have a glass of wine the minute the clock strikes 5 and I get home from getting Madelyn at daycare. If it quits raining we'll probably go out for a little happy hour walk around the neighborhood (why else would they put cup holders on strollers??) :) Then we're heading over to Chad and Amanda's for a little potluck dinner and some relaxing with the kids.

Tomorrow we are heading up to Chelsea and David's for their little one Connor's first birthday party. I can't wait to see all of the kids dressed up, plus it's going to be a beautiful day- 61 and sunny. Just perfect for a Fall party.

Sunday Matt and I are going on a date!! Wooohoo!! I think we've seriously only spent time together just the two of us a handful of times since Madelyn was born and it is far overdue. We're just planning dinner and a movie, but I am super excited. Sweet Aunt Kristin is going to babysit for us- thanks, K!

On another note I cut all of my hair off yesterday (ok all may be a bit dramatic, but it is much shorter) and I don't like it! I'm taking my prenatal vitamins again in hopes it grows back quickly. I should have known better! Everytime I cut my hair short I look like a total nerd! Ugh.

Also, today when I looked in the mirror I felt like my knees looked fat, like they have that extra skin right above them. I know that sounds odd but I'm wondering if this is a sign of aging. How sad. I've lost all of the baby weight plus some extra and I still have chubby knees?! And short nerdy hair?! It's a good thing I don't have the time or brainpower to worry about it. hah.

I'll leave you with a picture of my sweet little sleeping beauty... if I don't post at least one picture I'll inevitably hear from my mother the minute she reads this...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Giving Back

I said a while back that I was going to start doing at least one good deed a week. It didn't have to be big, just something nice and selfless, for someone else. I've tried to do little things here and there, but nothing substantial yet. So I decided today was the day :)

I did some research online and found a local women's shelter who's offices are literally less than a mile from my house. The organization is called Promise Place, and they offer services to women and their children who are being victims of domestic abuse. This cause really touched my heart because I just can't stand the thought of a child being in that kind of environment. I can't even imagine the life-long effects it has on them and their ability to have normal relationships with people.

Today during my lunch break I'm going to run up there and drop off all of the baby formula we have that we can't use (three bags worth!), diapers that no longer fit, as well as a huge bag of clothes. While I'm at the grocery store this week I'm also going to pick up some extra food to take over there, because I know they can always use that when feeding little hungry mouths.

I'm really excited to help this organization not only because I truly believe in helping people who want to help themselves, but also because it's local, and helping people right here in our own community. It's very easy to forgot how overwhelmingly blessed we all are and how important it is to help those around us who are fighting battles everyday that they can't control and didn't ask for.

Please keep these women in your thoughts and prayers and think about helping an organization in your neighborhood. I know with these economic conditions they can use our help now more than ever.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Tired Baby and a Freezing Cold Pumpkin Patch

Well, my timing was impeccable as always...Saturday we decided to go to the pumpkin patch and it just so happened to be the coldest day of the year so far. With a high of 48 degrees, cloudy skies, and a blustery wind, it was certainly less than ideal, but it was worth it just to see Madelyn so cute and bundled up!

On top of the weather, she was super sleepy so not many smiles in these pictures, but I can assure you she was having fun :)

I propped her up on this hay bale around these pumpkins for pictures (obviously) which seemed perfectly safe. Well, she decided she was done, threw her body to the side, and rolled right off. That's right, rolled right off the hay bale onto the ground, Matt's foot to be exact. Even though we all had a minor coronary, she was fine and didn't shed one tear. What a trooper. Pay more attention, mom!
Sunday we ventured up to the aquarium which was really cool. Even though it's been open for several years now we still hadn't been (shame on us), so Matt and I were super excited. Oddly, the highlight was seeing my sister, who has no desire whatsoever to have children, carry Madelyn around in the Baby Bjorn (willingly I might add). She must really love her. I mean, the Baby Bjorn is the hottest fashion accessory this season.

This week should hopefully be quiet and then we have another full weekend planned! My goal for this week is just to start taking better care of myself. I have admittedly put myself last since Madelyn was born and forgone my constant water drinking, vitamin taking, and exercising, which has reared it's ugly head in the form of 3 colds in one month. Not pretty. So, I guess that's my "end of the year resolution" :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Motherhood is Not for Sissies

That is the title of a cute little book my dad gave me when I was pregnant this past Christmas. What wasn't so cute was the mess I had to clean up on Sunday night after Madelyn got sick all over her bedroom in the middle of the night! That phrase never rang more true to me. Motherhood is definitely not for sissies.

Poor little thing has her first ear infection, which while that's not fun to deal with, is much better than the swine flu diagnosis I was sure we were going to receive from the doctor. Luckily after a few days of not feeling well we have some antibiotics in her system and she seems to be coming around. Considering how bad she must be feeling, she's really been a very good sport. She did keep us up for a good bit of the night on Sunday, but last night she slept for her usual uninterupted 11 hours which I was very grateful for. It's times like these when I am so so thankful I have a job that allows me the flexibility to work from home. I really don't know how you manage it if you have a sick little one...it would be very difficult. I will say I have not minded one bit that she wants her mommy when she doesn't feel good. I am loving every second of that :)

Other highlights from this week so far:

- I spent $26 dollars at the grocery store on Sunday and saved $25! Score! Given that this week we had to buy a new car battery, weed eater, and Costco membership this was a nice save.

- We found an alternate Halloween costume for Madelyn that is sure to be absolutely adorable on her. The peacock came in the mail and while it definitely had that obnoxious factor I was going for, it was this yucky synthetic fabric and I just couldn't justify making her wear it all day.

- My dad, his girlfriend Christine, and Lindsey are coming into town this weekend! Yay! Our original plan was to go down to Savannah for the weekend but we've decided just to stay in town and keep it easy. Given how much I've been away from home, the fact that I've been sick and now Madelyn is sick, this was a welcome change of plans.

- Matt is working like crazy on his new job but he really likes it which is such a huge blessing. I am so proud of him and how driven he is to succeed at this. Granted, it's a little crazy when we are both having to work at night when Madelyn goes to bed, I know it will slow down soon.
- My beloved Gators defeated the LSU tigers on Saturday in an ugly, somewhat uneventful game, but given that this is a "family divided" game between myself and my dad, it's always a good one :)
All in all, life is good! :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sittin Pretty

Check out little miss sitting in her brown rocking chair this afternoon!

Home Sweet Home

It is soooo good to be home!! Home really is where my heart it, more now than ever. I mean look at this face, how could you Not want to be around her all day long?!

Me and the girls had a great time in Key West. All photos have been banned from internet distribution so I won't be sharing. I think that really says it all. Dai had a wonderful bachelorette party even though the wedding isn't until March! Now I can safely say that I have no more trips for a while and plan to enjoy every minute at home with Matt and my little monkey.

Madelyn is up to all sorts of new things. She has become such a little roly poly rolling all over the place and suddenly loves to be on her tummy. I think she's starting to get the idea that crawling is in her future. She can also sit for a few seconds on her own. Of course, she instantly goes for her feet as soon as you put her in this position- she looooves her feet and really prefers them in her mouth. She's also eating baby food! I have yet to make my own since things have been so crazy, but am looking forward to it. For now she's just tried Earth's Best organic sweet potatoes, peas, and now we're on bananas. She is becoming so interactive and just gets cuter by the day. Naturally :)
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