Friday, April 17, 2009

April 23- the soon to be new best day of my life :)

It's official- Madelyn will be born around 7:30 a.m. next Thursday, April 23! That is, of course, assuming she doesn't have other plans :)

I went to the doctor this week and am not progressing at all on my own. Madelyn is still head down but I'm not dilating or effacing any further than I was three weeks ago, so we've decided a c-section is the way to go. At first I was hesitant about this idea but as I've thought it through I grew increasingly comfortable with it. I really didn't want to go past my due date, and this is only two days before her original estimated due date of April 25 which is perfect. The upside is that our family members all know exactly when to be here, which for a compulsive planner like myself is a huge bonus. The downside is we'll be in the hospital for 3 days. But, I'm told I'll be very thankful for this when the time comes, so we'll see.

So, we arrive at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. (no food or drink after midnight), I'm admitted, hooked up to an IV, and then a few hours later we get to meet our little girl! Needless to say we're pretty excited.

My mom is getting into town on Tuesday so we'll have some time to spend together and tie up any loose ends I have, which I know will be a Huge help. Seeing as how I really don't sleep these days, I hardly have the energy to do anything, so I'm very grateful she can take off work to be here. Dad gets here Wednesday (yay!) and Lindsey will be here at some point, we're just not sure when.

This weekend we are going to try and take advantage of the last weekend we'll ever have without children (woah) and spend some time with friends, work around the house, and just enjoy it being the two of us for a few more days.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as I am a tiny bit anxious about the surgery and just hope for healthy baby girl and quick recovery :)


Kristin said...

You forgot to mention that her incredibly large head, which was passed to her through osmosis by Aunt Kristin, is probably the culprit! ;) So excited. PS - I might spend the night Wednesday if that's okay... we'll see. xoxo

Jessi said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see pictures! Good Luck!

Mrs.Preppy said...

Good luck next week! I hope everything goes great.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I've been thinking about you, and wondering about Madelyn's arrival, so I'm glad to know more details. I'll be thinking of you guys and praying this week!

Amy Scott said...

Hi there - I've been reading your blog for a while now, (a lurker) and I just had to post on this because I was in the same situation as you. I was due on April 12 with a big baby -they estimated that he would be over 8 pounds full term. They told me that I would probably have a c-section even though his head was down and I am 6 feet tall. But I didn't listen. So Friday afternoon I started going into labor, (almost a week past my due date) and went to the hospital Friday night. I was in labor all the way from then until Saturday night, went on pitocin for a lot of the time due to lack of progression and eventually made it to 8-9 cm. The pressure was SOOOO painful even with the epidural and I couldn't take it anymore. So glad now that I made the choice to do a c-section because his head was turned a little bit to the left and that probably would have caused more damage to both of us than the c-section. Honestly, I didn't feel the procedure at all. And now 2 days later, it is just painful to walk around,but absolutely no pain when I'm sitting or lying down. Just wanted to give you my story and try to ease your fears. No matter what, at the end, you'll end up with your beautiful baby and forget all about what it took to get her here. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

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