Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Family Pics 2011 (turn the clocks back)

Back in October of 2011 (yes, I am aware it is now 2012), my good friend and A-Ma-Zing photographer Jenny came and took some family pictures for us. Our original "plan" had been to take newborn photos of Davis a week or so after his birth, but as most of you know, at that point we were in the hospital and flourescent lighting does not a good picture make. So, we waited until we got home and took advantage of the fall leaves and happy children. I am forever grateful for these images. We were so happy to be home I wouldn't have even cared if we were in sweats and it rained- I just wanted pictures of our family together in our house.

The last picture has a bible verse on it, Acts 19:11, that says "And God wrought special miracles"- and I am reminded of that every single day I get to look at these sweet faces.

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