Now here I am, 6 years later, and I have boots, coats, scarves, gloves, and an elementary education in driving on ice. All of which come in handy on days like these.
Behold, the snow day:

Winter weather advisory in effect due to snow and ice, and we've been advised to stay off the roads until tomorrow afternoon.
Notice we literally probably got 1" of snow at our house but we're expected to have the most ice of anywhere in the city. We didn't exactly get the best end of that deal.
So, the monkey and I are holed up in the house hibernating in our jammies and eating mac and cheese. So far we've spent a lot of time playing at our new kitchen and nursing runny noses.

Hope you are all safe and warm wherever you are!
1 comment:
We are holed up here Fairburn. Think we are going to take our kayak and go to the REALLY big hill across the street...not sure its the best idea, but feeling a little cooped up. I should probably rather do what you're doing and munch on some mac-n-cheese and watch O. Stay Warm!
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