1. I don't usually like my food out of an aerosol can (though I do have fond memories of my dad eating spray cheese and crackers growing up. You know what I'm talking about), but this is a not your average spray food. I stumbled upon this invention at Walmart of all places. I hate Walmart but I needed a one-stop shop and I grabbed this on my way out. Enter Batter Blaster. The best invention, literally, since sliced bread. It's 100% organic, made with very few ingredients but including wheat flour, cane sugar, etc. It's low calorie and it makes pancakes without any measuring or mess at all!! Considering pancakes are one of my favorite foods and I love to make them for Madelyn but always hated the mess, this literally makes me smile everytime I open the fridge. We can have pancakes at a moment's notice, whenever we want. I add blueberries, bananas, chocolate for me (have I mentioned I'm on a bit of a chocolate binge lately? It's so hard hard to stop!), etc etc. Love it. Pick one up next time you're out.

2. This face. I Die.

3. With Matt's impending departure I've been beefing up our DVR with mindless entertainment that I wouldn't usually subject him to. The best of which I've discovered is Bethenny Getting Married which follows my favorite person from Real Housewives of NY. She's really funny and slightly neurotic, but she's also a natural foods chef so I always like to see what she's up to in the kitchen. Which leads me to guilty pleasure number two- The Next Food Network Star. Minus the fact that every time I watch this damn show I want to ravage my kitchen because I'm drooling over all the yummy food, it's fun to watch.
4. Avalon Organics lavendar face scrub. After noticing my skin looking a little haggard I started using this and I love it for the smell alone. We'll see if it does anything for my skin.

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