On Friday the oh-so-Southern city of Atlanta got an inch of snow. That's right, just a single inch of snow. And it was just enough to shut us down. Granted, there was a great deal of ice on the roads in addition to the snow, I just laugh knowing what my friends and family up north must be thinking of our cautionary behavior.
The good news was that Madelyn's daycare was closed, so I got to enjoy an unplanned day at home with her! This set me back quite a bit with work, so this week is going to be crazy, but I'll never turn down a day at home with my little monkey:)
We stayed in our jammies all day, watched cartoons, read books, spent a lot of time looking out the window at the snow, and generally just hibernating. It's finally supposed to be back up in the 50's later this week (can I get an Amen?!) and I cannot wait. I'm dying to go for a jog and get some fresh air without fear of losing one my limbs to the single-degree temperatures. I mean Friday morning it was 2 degrees with the wind chill. That is just ridiculous.

Our front stoop after the vicious snow storm. I use the word vicious lightly.


Mom, check out my hand! It's so cool!

Blowing on the cold glass. This was usually followed by licking and/or
biting the window glass and frame.
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