Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Birthday Rundown

Mi casa could be Su casa

I'm giving this little eyesore some more needed TLC to try up her sex appeal if you will. If it works I'll show you some follow up snapshots, and if it doesn't work I'll spare you :) And if you know what the laundry room version of Victoria Secret's fancy crystal push up bra is, please let me know.
To remind you, the rest of our house is super cute, so send me some good house-selling karma...and a few potential buyers if you know any!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Warning: boring post-less week ahead
This is just a warning to my loyal followers (hi Mom, aunt Sue, and Kristin) that this week I'm buried in an offsite work meeting so I won't be posting my usual exciting updates on our life and Madelyn's newest accomplishments. Instead will leave you with a few quick notes below, and see you next week :)
Our house is officially on the market, and after being listed for 3 days we had 3 potential buyers! Good start. Of course, having to constantly keep our house clean while living with an 18lb tazmanian devil is adding a whole new dimension of fun to our everyday life :)
Madelyn is recovering from pink eye. In both eyes. Thank you day care.
I celebrated my 28th bday yesterday and had such a great day. More to come on that later. I was pretty spoiled.
It's finally in the 50's again, and even in the 60's today. I can't wait to stare at the beautiful weather from the prison conference room where I'll be spending the next three days.
I'm usually not this negative, I swear.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Snow Day!

Our front stoop after the vicious snow storm. I use the word vicious lightly.

Mom, check out my hand! It's so cool!

Blowing on the cold glass. This was usually followed by licking and/or
biting the window glass and frame.
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Adventures in finger foods

Monday, January 4, 2010
Please don't...

(these lovely photos courtesy of Southern Living.com)
Please also don't mention that I've already picked out a floor plan for our potential new house and space planned all of our furniture. Or planned the menu for our mojitos and burritos housewarming party. He already thinks I'm crazy as it is, no need to give him any further ammunition.
It's On!

Of course, now we will be busting our little behinds trying to get the house on the market in the next week or so, and saying lots of prayers that God sends the right buyers our way! That means that every night, after we put our little angel to bed, extreme makeover home edition begins and Matt will be doing heavy-duty jobs while I clean and de-clutter. It's going to be exhausting, but well worth it.
In other news, Santa really spoiled us this year and tomorrow one of our presents is being delivered- a new king size mattress! We have been in desperate need of a new mattress for a while now, so we are very much looking forward to a good night's sleep tomorrow evening. We also got a Keurig single-serve coffee machine and we are seriously in love with it. I recommend it to all coffee drinkers out there. It's also nice for tea or hot chocolate because it can also just dispense hot water if you'd like. AND there is no pot or messy filter to clean! Love that.
And just for you Madelyn fan club members out there, here is a picture of my little one helping me with the Swiffer duster yesterday. She's going to be a natural born cleaner like her mommy. I can't wait until she's older and I can put her to work! ;)