At our doctor's appointment this morning we found out that Madelyn has moved head down in preparation for delivery, but I am not yet dilated. I am 30% effaced and apparently for first time moms, they usually become 100% effaced before dilating. Our doctor also estimates she currently weighs around 6 pounds 10 ounces (average at this point is 5 1/2), so she's still measuring on the big side, but he thinks she'll "only" be around 8 pounds at birth which is fine. I had mentally prepared myself for a possible 10 pounder, so this is a relief! Of course, as long as she's healthy, I don't care if she's a little chunky :) At this point we're instructed to look out for signs of labor and basically be ready at any time. We go back every week from here on out, so we'll be back in on Tuesday to see how we're progressing.
I have scheduled a lady to come clean our house on Monday, I am getting my hair cut on Tuesday, and nails done on Wednesday. I figure it's probably the last time I'll be doing these things for a while. This weekend we're hoping to finish up all of our little house projects and begin putting her goodies together (stroller, swing, etc...).
Our bags are packed and by the bed which I think has given Cooper some additional indication that something is definitely awry, but he seems to be handling things well so far.
Matt picked up her glider today and then sent me a picture- I can't wait to sit in it, it is sooo comfortable. It's a chocolate brown oxford fabric- I'm still trying to find the perfect lumbar pillow so if you have any suggestions let me know. We're going to have to move the crib down to the left just a touch, but then it should fit just perfectly into that back corner. HUGE thanks to my mom for getting this for us- it is perfect and I know Madelyn will enjoy it for many years :)

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