My good friend Jenny just started a new blog where she's going to post links to coupons and sales on everything from groceries to restaurants to clothes. I am super excited about it because she always has the "in" on where to find good deals, and we could all afford to save some moolah these days. She's just getting started to stay tuned for a lot more tips and postings!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Let the countdown begin...
At our doctor's appointment this morning we found out that Madelyn has moved head down in preparation for delivery, but I am not yet dilated. I am 30% effaced and apparently for first time moms, they usually become 100% effaced before dilating. Our doctor also estimates she currently weighs around 6 pounds 10 ounces (average at this point is 5 1/2), so she's still measuring on the big side, but he thinks she'll "only" be around 8 pounds at birth which is fine. I had mentally prepared myself for a possible 10 pounder, so this is a relief! Of course, as long as she's healthy, I don't care if she's a little chunky :) At this point we're instructed to look out for signs of labor and basically be ready at any time. We go back every week from here on out, so we'll be back in on Tuesday to see how we're progressing.
I have scheduled a lady to come clean our house on Monday, I am getting my hair cut on Tuesday, and nails done on Wednesday. I figure it's probably the last time I'll be doing these things for a while. This weekend we're hoping to finish up all of our little house projects and begin putting her goodies together (stroller, swing, etc...).
Our bags are packed and by the bed which I think has given Cooper some additional indication that something is definitely awry, but he seems to be handling things well so far.
Matt picked up her glider today and then sent me a picture- I can't wait to sit in it, it is sooo comfortable. It's a chocolate brown oxford fabric- I'm still trying to find the perfect lumbar pillow so if you have any suggestions let me know. We're going to have to move the crib down to the left just a touch, but then it should fit just perfectly into that back corner. HUGE thanks to my mom for getting this for us- it is perfect and I know Madelyn will enjoy it for many years :)

Monday, March 23, 2009
Reality Check
Every week I get an update from on Madelyn's size, weight, etc. This week all it said was "less than a month to go- better get that car seat installed!" Apparently we're no longer interested in developmental milestones like opening and closing her eyes, hiccups, the ability to hear me speak, etc, but the logistical details of preparing for her arrival. Talk about a reality check...this kid is coming soon!
I can say that I'm definitely feeling the effects of her size, and it really just started a few days ago. It's hard to take a deep breath because she's pressing up against my lungs and diaphragm, I get exhausted after doing anything- seriously, anything that involves even remote physical movement, and it's generally difficult to get comfortable anywhere. But, that being said, I still have been blessed with NO swelling, stretchmarks, widening of the nose (it does happen), and other less than desirable side effects, so I am Not complaining.
I also received a wonderful surprise yesterday when my Dad informed me he was flying in tonight just to see us one last time before Madelyn arrives! I'm picking him up at 3:45 and can't wait to see him. Of course in true Dad fashion, yesterday was HIS birthday and he's doing something to surprise me...typical :)
This week we'll be busy continuing to prepare for little one's arrival. Matt is going to start putting all of her goodies together (swing, stroller, etc) and I'm going to fine tune her room and wardrobe. Then Sunday Kristin and Jenny are throwing me a little brunch for us girls to get together one (potentially) last time before she comes. We're trying to see our friends as much as possible before we got into hiding:)
Jenny was kind enough to take some pictures of us when we were out at Serenbe (this great self-sustainable community) for brunch on Saturday which I'll be sure to post soon. For now, enjoy the picture above that Matt took of Kristin, me, and Jenny :)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Say Cheese!
We got our new Canon Rebel in the mail today and I can't stop playing with it! I've watched a quick online tutorial and other than that I've just been playing with all of the different settings. I had so much fun taking pictures and manually adjusting all of the settings. I felt like a pro. I have A LOT to learn, let's just leave it at that...
Here are a few of the pictures I took in Madelyn's nursery today. Cooper was my model...along with one of Madelyn's little lamb toys...

Here are a few of the pictures I took in Madelyn's nursery today. Cooper was my model...along with one of Madelyn's little lamb toys...

Monday, March 16, 2009
Nursery Update
Matt picked up the recovered ottoman today and it looks so cute! I am really happy with it. It will be just perfect with the chocolate brown glider. We have a bit of extra fabric left so I'm trying to find a place to make a little bolster pillow for the chair- fingers crossed I can find someone in time!

Lazy Weekend
It was rainy and cold all weekend so I spent my time indoors, doing the following...
Writing thank you notes for the many generous shower gifts we received last weekend

Making a big batch of these- I am not generally a fan of fat-free baked goods, but when you're eating as often as I am these days, something has to it didn't hurt that I ate them with a dollop of peanut butter and lite vanilla frozen yogurt.

Reading Magazines
Sleeping....a lot.....
Quick trip to Publix where I tried (and fell in love with) this salmon recipe at the Apron's station
Continuing to clean and organize Madelyn's room. Once we get the glider and ottoman in there it will look much more finished, or at least one step closer, but we're gettin there!
We have something for over her bed but can't put it up until we're sure that will be the crib's final placement

All in all it was a nice weekend. I had to fight the urge to clean and do "stuff" as I was being lazy but I know our lazy weekends are numbered, so I made myself enjoy it:)
Friday, March 13, 2009
Old Navy Bargains

Since we're all trying to save money these days, I thought I'd share a great site that my good friend Jenny passed on to me. Go to and you can "hunt" for coupons hidden in the pictures on the site. There are coupons for $5 off, 15% off, even coupons for $50 off a $100 purchase (I have yet to actually find one of these). I haven't always been a huge fan of Old Navy, but they have some really cute things right now. I picked up this dress in black last night and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be living in it for the duration of my maternity leave. It is so so so comfortable, and really cute with a cardigan or light jacket and flip flops. They have tons of lightweight sundresses right now, many of which looked very comfy, cute blazers, and some very stylish swimsuit cover ups. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I don't know who came up with "Z" being synonomous with sleeping, but that's what I wish I was doing right now. I've been used to not sleeping through the night for a few months now, waking up often to use the restroom, get comfortable, etc... but I think now my body is really preparing me for those sleepless nights with little one because I cannot get a good night's sleep! I have reached the point where I'm just uncomfortable no matter what I do, and I know all of my tossing and turning is making for a very sleep-deprived husband as well. Aaah well, I will look back on those those old restful nights with fondness and look forward to them returning one day...hopefully....
On another note, we finally filed our taxes and were pleasantly surprised with the money we're getting back! That was definitely a nice surprise. Our big splurge is going to be a Canon Rebel to document all of Madelyn's adorableness:)
Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Sorry this post is a little boring- I am a little braindead from sleep deprivation :)
On another note, we finally filed our taxes and were pleasantly surprised with the money we're getting back! That was definitely a nice surprise. Our big splurge is going to be a Canon Rebel to document all of Madelyn's adorableness:)
Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Sorry this post is a little boring- I am a little braindead from sleep deprivation :)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
32 weeks 5 days

This is what we'll be having Madelyn's first pictures made in...of course,
it won't say Ella on it, but you get the idea:)
A few updates on the pregnancy front- I can't believe in less than 50 days little Madelyn will be here! I can't wait to meet her.
- I now have to go to the bathroom on average every hour and a half. Considering I get up at 6:45 and go to bed around 9:30, that's around 10 times a day. That is a lot. I do drink a lot of water which I know doesn't help the problem, but still, I think I burn more calories walking to and from the ladies room at work than actually working out.
- I have definitely starting to notice Braxton Hicks contractions. Luckily they are not at all painful, it just feels like my stomach is stretched out as far as it can go and then after a few seconds it's gone.
- I've also started to feel little one's foot (I suspect) kicking in strange areas- way over on my right or left side or up in my ribs. She may be a soccer player like her daddy because sometimes I swear she is mistaking my organs for a soccer ball.
- I officially feel large- not just in the belly but in general. I still feel extremely lucky that I haven't really started to swell yet, and haven't noticed any stretch marks, so I certainly won't complain.
- I am TIRED! This just started on Tuesday night and I've felt somewhat worn down ever since. I really have to force myself to slow down and accept that sometimes it's ok to go home from work, lay on the couch, and lay dormant.
- I have become a bit clumsy and keep dropping things! I don't know if this is pregnancy related but I blame it on that :)
- I have always prayed for Madelyn to be healthy but now I've also started to pray (a lot) about the labor and delivery process. I also ask her daily to please go easy on her mommy.
- My maternity pants are getting snug in the waist. I'm ignoring this and hoping they can just hold out a few more weeks!
- Madelyn gets the hiccups a lot. Sometimes so much so that you can watch my belly jump every few seconds.
- The thought of buying diapers, getting my hospital bag packed, putting the car seat in the car, and all of those last minute things is Ridiculously exciting to me. I'll probably have all of these items done weeks in advance, but that's just me :)
The average baby is around 17 inches long at this point and weighs just at 4 pounds. Considering Madelyn's weight was estimated to be 4 pounds 6 ounces two weeks ago, I'm very anxious to find out at our doctor's appointment on Tuesday what I'm measuring now...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Winter Wonderland
Saturday is was 62 degrees here in Atlanta. Yesterday, this was the view of our house and neighborhood.

This morning we awoke to a suprising amount of snow still on the ground, but it is now slowly melting away and will probably be completely gone by tomorrow. I hope we get another snow like this one day when Madelyn is young- I would have loved to build a snowman with her!
Friday it is supposed to be in the 70's....the weather here will never make sense to me.
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