Since I can't seem to get it together enough to actually write a legitimate blog post, I thought I'd link up with adorable Darci for her Five on Friday series. I can handle a post in bullets. In fact I swear that's how my brain is organized most of the time.
1. Ya'll, I started making my own coffee creamer. I feel like such a Martha. I used this recipe and can vouch that it's easy, cheap, and delicious. I only did this because I couldn't ever find a yummy flavor that didn't have tons of artificial flavors and chemicals and it's been a very welcome change to our morning.
2. Madelyn started soccer this week. Watching someone try to teach four year olds soccer is like watching them try to herd cats but it's freaking adorable. And I'm so proud of her. She worked really hard and did so so well.
3. I realize I'm late to the party here (just like I was with chevron prints and twitter) but I am Ob-Sessed with the Mindy Project. It's funny. Watch it.
5. And last (but certainly not least), I got to celebrate six years of marriage to this guy a few weeks ago. We went to an amazing restaurant that serves Krispy Kreme bread pudding for dessert, which means it got an instant approval from me. I of course had a cold and couldn't taste said amazing food, but can assure you we'll be returning for round two.
Hope everyone has a great Labor Day/first-college-football weekend! Gooooooo Gators!!!
Found your blog on the link-up and I am definitely going to have to try making my own coffee creamer!! Thanks for the recipe! Have a great weekend!
I didn't even know it was possible to make your own coffee creamer! I'll have to try at recipe, I hate giving my family chemicals... :(
That is so cool you are making your own coffee creamer!
I stopped reading after PUMPKIN FLAVORED COFFEE. I need this in my life asap!
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