Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday Fun List

If you're wondering what we'll be up to this weekend, this is it.
No cleaning, no laundry, just FUN.
Want to join?! 

recipe here
Make watermelon slushies
Plant flowers for the back deck
Run through the sprinklers
Go to church
Watch Charlotte's Web
Go to the farmer's market and strawberry patch.
GET MY NAILS DONE. (justalittle excited about this one)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

...and then my heart exploded

While on vacation in South Carolina earlier this month (more on that later) we hired a sweet photographer to attempt to capture family pictures. My mom and sister were in town and it's rare that we're all together since we live in three different states, so we took advantage.

I had low expectations. I mean, low. The only way I can get Davis to sit still is if I'm feeding him and I wasn't dying to have his lunch included as the fifth family member. It was unusually windy outside,  so much so that we had to change locations at the last minute. I was wearing white jeans, a questionable choice, and I hadn't even had a glass of wine yet (#FAIL).

And then the pictures came back.

And my heart exploded.

I'll spare you from having to look through everysingleone and force myself to just include the favorites. But really, I could have shown them all. For your sake, I'm trying not to be that mom.

Gigi and her girls

I die. I am literally dead.
I swear she gets prettier every day

Love his little expression

Daddy's girl

Few things will make a girl feel just plain lucky like looking through pictures of the beautiful family you helped create. This world would never be complete without those two little smiles and I dare you to convince me otherwise.

When I was younger and dreamed about having children I could have never imagined this joy and I'm so so grateful to have it documented.

If you are ever in the Charleston area I highly recommend using Amy for your photos. She was an absolute doll to work with and as you can see, knows her way around a camera :)

This Week's Menu


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I am having a mad mad love affair with an app. You may think it's Instagram, my usual drug of choice, but there is a new girl in town whom I can't help but think may be aptly named after my life.

Please do yourself a favor and go download BeautifulMess right.this.minute.

And when you're done, come back and enjoy the above picture taken in a field of wildflowers on Sullivans Island, South Carolina- where sounds of the ocean filter in from just beyond the trees and where my crazies found great joy. Thanks to Bob Goff I'm learning to embrace adventure at every opportunity and this little spot provided the perfect backdrop :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Goals...and beyond

I've been working through Lara Casey's power sheets, approaching my plan for the year in a different way. Rather than looking at one week or one month, I'm spending time thinking on what I want to do this year. When I look back on 2013 at Christmas time, what do I want to be able to say that I accomplished? What activities make me the most happy and how did I infuse them into my every day routine?

I can't even tell you the clarity that has come from working through these goals in such depth. I'll definitely elaborate on that process another day.

For now, I want to clearly state my goals for May so that I am fully accountable for them. I'm also listing a few of the goals I'd made and completed for the year, purely so I can have the satisfaction of crossing them off :)

May Goals

1. Plan and book our trip to Walt Disney World for later this year. I want to plan this far in advance to ensure we have meal reservations at all of the fanciest princess-approved venues. This trip is going to be EPIC for Madelyn and I definitely don't want to wing it.

2. Finish Love Does by Bob Goff. Ya'll, this book is incredible. It's a quick entertaining read but it will change your life.

3. Update the picture frames in our house.

4. Finish painting the kitchen.

5. Send cards with updated pictures of the kids to grandparents, great-grand parents, and other extended family members.

6. Sell our baby stroller, car seat, and bases. Yes, I know what you are thinking. And yes, this is the official "we are done" battle cry of two parents who have decided we are elated to have two incredible children and that is enough for us.

And lastly, a few things I have crossed off my list for the year:

1. Paint the master bedroom and bathroom
2. Open 529 accounts for the kids and fund monthly
3. Book a family beach vacation
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