Saturday, September 29, 2012

Davis' first birthday

Davis' first birthday was not just a party. It was not just a chance to see friends and family and open presents and dress up the kids and have yummy food. It was a day to reflect on this past year and to be grateful for every.single.moment we've had with our sweet little miracle boy.

It's hard to believe what has transpired over the past year and I am beyond thankful for where we are. There is nothing I'd rather do than celebrate than my healthy little boy, and so we did just that. It was a wonderful, happy day.

Menu card (and other details) by Sweet Birdie's Nest


Aunt Lacie, Uncle Luke, and cousin Logan (your future BFF)



Dear Davis,

You have changed me, and our life, in a way I could have never anticipated. You make every one of my days better and I cry happy tears over you more than I'll ever publicly admit. Thank you for every smile, every snuggle, and every little slobbery kiss. I treasure them.


Your mommy


Kristin said...

And every sippy cup to the face? ;) Love that sweet boy.

Heidi said...

So sweet! What a special celebration, and how wonderful to share it with friends and family. Happy birthday, Davis! {And happy BIRTH day to you too!}

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