Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Now and then

Matt took off yesterday to spend a glorious day at The Masters and I was spending my usual Monday at home with the bambinos. I laughed when he called to check in upon arrival, thinking about how our lives have changed in these past few years.

Had we been in the early years of our marriage I could have imagined how the call would have gone.

Matt: Hey honey, just wanted to let you know we're here. How has your morning been?

Me: Great. I drank my coffee while watching the today show. Did my nails and then made a delicious omelet for breakfast. Enjoy yourself and don't rush back, I'm having drinks with the girls after work.

Cut to the actual conversation we had yesterday.

Matt: Hey honey, just wanted to let you know we're here. How has your morning been?

Me: Well, it's been ok. Madelyn has already been in time out once for not listening and Davis woke up at 6 and has been really fussy. I think he's constipated. I gotta run- Madelyn needs help going potty and he's crying because he just rolled into the leg of the chair. Any idea what time you'll be home?

My how things have changed.

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