Instead of gifts for Madelyn we sent each guest a note asking them to bring a much-needed item for the Atlanta Children's Shelter. I spoke to the shelter to find out what they were most in need of and we included a short note inside each invitation listing those items. Everyone was so generous and I cannot wait to take these items to the shelter to donate.
We are all so lucky to have everything we need and so much more, and I want Madelyn to grow up knowing how important it is to help others who aren't as fortunate. Of course, she still got a few gifts from her parents (duh!) and grandparents, including a swing, a wagon, lots of books, blocks, and a few other cute toys, but those were certainly more than enough for a little one year old.
Here's the loot, and sorry for the really bad camera phone picture.

Each of those bags is filled to the brim with sippy cups, wipes, small toys, and lots of other goodies for the sweet kiddos at the shelter. I am so thankful everyone participated in this less-than orthodox request, so Big Thanks to everyone who attended, and another BIG thanks to Kristin who made the DE-Lish cupcakes. I think I need a serious sugar detox after this weekend. Waaay too many refined carbohydrates.