Madelyn did seemingly well in daycare. She was happy and slept like a champ last night. She was down by 9 and I didn't hear her stir one time. I still think they are somewhat incompetent because I gave them (at their request) a very specific schedule to follow with her and they didn't follow one aspect of it. Not one! I understand there is a learning curve here when you are getting to know a new baby but let's be honest people, it's not rocket science. And if I am blatantly telling you what to do, just follow my instructions!! Needless to say, I think they are becoming a bit disenchanted with me as I called yesterday afternoon to ask the owner WHY they ignored my directions (to which they had no answer) and then showed up this morning with a typed up, detailed version of when and why I expect her to eat/sleep/play/etc. Granted, it's a flexible schedule, and doesn't need to be followed to the minute, but should at least be acknowledged!
Apologies for the rant, but by default this blog inevitably becomes a place for me to vent, so now on to a few happier items.
- After seeing the previews for "The Time Traveler's Wife" (out Aug. 14 with Rachel McAdams) I am dying to read the book- does anyone have it so I can borrow?!
- I am super super SUPER excited that one of my favorite people in the whole wide world, Dai, is getting married!!! Her wonderful boyfriend Andrew proposed several weeks ago and we've all just been dying for these two to make it official so we're quite excited. Here is a picture of me, Dai and Kristin (and Madelyn, in utero of course) at a UF football game last year :)

- On second thought, I must be delusional to think that I have enough spare time to read unless I can do so during my 45 minute commute to and from work work, while cooking dinner, bathing/feeding/changing Madelyn, plucking my eyebrows, working out, etc...I think you get the idea...
Perhaps a book on tape would be more realistic...
- We recently re-did our powder bath off the kitchen. Unfortunately, I committed the cardinal sin of home improvement and didn't take a "before" picture, but trust me, it looks exponentially better. Prior to our makeover, the room was painted the same green that I painted that kitchen almost 3 years ago and no longer like (working on convincing Matt to repaint for me...he keeps saying no but I think I'll wear him down), and it had a large panel mirror that took up the entire wall over the sink. The blue (yes, blue) marble countertops and shell sink still need to be replaced, but at least we're making some progress. 

1 comment:
ooooooooooohhhhhh! I love the mirrors! You didn't tell me you'd found some... shocking, with all that you have going on. ;)
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