And then, I got into the heavy stuff. Baby clothes- boy girls, girl clothes, you name it. This I could not resist posting, it is from Shrimp and Grits kids.com...I mean honestly, have you ever seen anything so cute?
*Note: this first outfit demonstrate how I will brainwash our child to be a Gator fan like their mom ;)

These next three are from Lollipops and Gumdrops Boutique:

This little gift basket comes from Bulldogs and Butterflies Baby Boutique:

If you couldn't already tell, I am a sucker for anything monogramed. I love this little onesie, hat, and burp cloth combo from the Pink Giraffe:

Please say a little prayer for me (and my checkbook) that I can show some self restraint in the coming months...
Seriously. Please say a prayer for me too, because I am about to go buy you all of this. And, you know I actually gasped when I saw that precious alligator outfit! Now, do they have bedding for my future child(ren)!? :)
Looking at baby stuff is so fun...I do it a lot even though I am not preggers (yet). Being preggers AND shopping for it, I would have to show amazing restraint. Good luck in your quest and until then I look forward to seeing what you get!!
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