Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A walk by the lake

It is 65 degrees here in Atlanta today, on the first day of February which, if memory serves me, is typically our coldest month of the year. This is fine with me. I am not a winter person. I don't like any time of year when I can't wear my flip flops and I have a real distaste for the days I have to turn my car on 10 minutes prior to my departure so that I don't risk pneumonia upon entering.

Given these delightful balmy conditions we decided to go down to a local park on Saturday and take a walk by the lake. Here are just a few pictures of our adventures. And as a new and devoted iPhone owner I can attest to the fact that somehow my life appears much more glamorous and interesting through the filters of Instagram. It's a phenomenon I don't understand but one that I'm grateful for :)

Someone couldn't handle all of the excitement so while his sissy played on the playground he enjoyed a nice little siesta.

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