Last weekend we celebrated the fourth birthday of our sweet baby girl.
And let me tell you folks, four feels old.
It is uncharted territory- parenting this little person with strong opinions that she can articulate
in long detailed sentences.
Beware- sassy girls on the loose |
One minute you're stressed over sleep training your infant and the next your baby can get themselves fully ready for bed and put them self to sleep without much more than a hug from you.
It's bittersweet to say the least.
Oh, but how she just light us up with joy everyday.
She loves pink. She wants to be a Disney Princess. She insists on wearing dresses as often as possible and will scowl should I suggest she don anything other than a glittery shoe on her foot.
A princess pinata. Naturally. |
She loves to take care of her baby dolls and knows just how to turn her daddy to mush. She likes to tell him he's handsome and say the prayer every night before dinner. And she's just dying for her little brother to get a little bit bigger so he can stop pestering her, though I tell her that's not likely to happen soon.
If what they say is true- that God lets us pick our parents- consider me forever indebted to her.
Special thanks to Heidi and Beverly from Sweet Birdie's Nest for the insanely cute invites and door decor.