Christmas did our family
Good, which is how I will explain the complete lack of recent posts. We holed up in the house together, many days never even changing out of our pajamas, cuddled, watched movies, played, napped together, and loved.every.minute.
Honestly, I often feel like I'm at a place where I only have time to play with the kids/do projects on the house/hang with my husband/cook and not time to do all of those things and then blog about them. And I'm realizing more and more that the kiddos are getting so big so fast I don't want to do anything except soak them up every day.
I'm making an effort to just be with them when I can instead of trying to constantly multitask, which means that when they go down at 8 p.m. every night I'm in go mode cleaning up, planning the next day, making Matt's lunch (a new effort for 2013 to try and make his mornings a little easier), doing laundry, etc etc. And with my phone there are enough distractions as it is. I don't want to look back and feel like I missed my babies being little because I was too busy doing things online.
So I'm releasing myself from the blog for the time being. I'll post when I have time, or if there is something I want to write about, but I feel like if I can let it go for now I'll feel less guilty for not tending to it regularly.
And it fits well with my word for 2013: deliberate. I want to be deliberate with my time, my actions, my words. I want to be thoughtful and present in the kind of wife I am to Matt, the kind of friend I am, and in who I am to myself as well. I'm carving time out for me this year, which I haven't done a good job of in the past. And in balancing all of this on top of my job, something just has to give.
I know this is a short season. When my kids get bigger I may have more time, but right now they need me- a less hurried, distracted version of me. So I'm clearing my plate.
So here's to 2013. Here's to a less clean house, an unorganized playroom, piles of laundry, and lots of time with my babies instead. I can't wait to see what's in store for us :)