Last weekend me and all the girls traveled to Savannah for Kristin's bachelorette party. We had the best time (as always) and it was so good to see my Meg and Dai (college roomies and forever best friends) who live in Florida. Below are a few pictures from our trip. I absolutely fell in love with the city- the old southern architecture, streets covered with huge oak trees, and parks every block. I am definitely planning for Matt and I to go together one of these days.

Me and the girls

Me and Kristin in the Paula Deen store- we bought koozies- you can never have too many! Plus these say "Hey Ya'll" on them- how cute?!

My favorite store in Savannah (at least of what we saw). This "Paris Market" had tons of great candles and housewares, Paris inspired cooking tools and cookbooks, as well as a little bistro that served the most refreshing orange infused water.

Our first dinner at B Matthews, a great restaurant directly in front of the house we stayed in and on Bay Street. I had a fried green tomato sandwich. It was DE-licious.